
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kotaku: Pre-Historic Gamers

Apparently Gamers have been around for thousands of years.  National Geographic reports that some research has dug up prehistoric dice boards in Mesoamerica (which is the area from Mexico to Costa Rica) that dates back to 5.000 years ago.

Hole punctures in c-shapes on clay floors were discovered at the Tiacuachero archaeological site in Mexico.  The markings are similar to native gaming boards left by the Aztec and the Tarahumara.

Archaeologists believe the game had something to do with rolling a die and then moving your piece, and the first one to the other side won.  Perhaps there was some sort of sacrificing of the losing players?  Who knows.

"There's no absolute proof that my interpretation of these strange features [is right], but it's a very strong analogy, and that's about as good as it gets for archaeology," Professor Voorhies told National Geographic

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