
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Know Your Meme: U Jelly?

"U Jelly is an emerging catchphrase used as a shorthand for “you jealous?”, an inflammatory remark typically interpreted as a form of trolling in discussions and comments. Similar in vein to "U MAD, the phrase is typically said in a boastful manner to cause annoyance. On imageboards, the expression is often accompanied by a cartoon character wearing a smirk."

So basically, it's like this. You're playing Halo. You're running like hell for the Rocket Launcher spawn. After traversing the entire map it's in your sights. You sprint for it, only to have a teammate spawn in front of you, bolt for the Rocket Launcher, and take it. Enraged, you throw your controller across the room. Your teammate turns around and wields his new weapons and says two words..

"U jelly?"

Know Your Meme says the origin may be from a Bodybuilding forum thread back in May 2010. The first UrbanDictionary entry for "U Jelly?" was entered on August 17th, 2010.

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